


Roles in Toastmasters

Ah Counter |

General Evaluator |

Grammarian |

Sergeant At Arms |

Timer |

Toastmasters of the Evening |

Table Topics Master |

Word of the Day|


Task Description
-  Responsible for keeping track of time taken by all speakers in the


- Familiarize yourself with the Timing device and stopwatch. If you are operating these for the first time, learn how to operate them, before the contest starts.

- Keep time for all speakers and appointment holders on the meeting
program. Start from the Toastmaster Of The Evening’s address. See the time
allotted on the program sheet, and time accordingly
- Listen to the Toastmaster of the Evening for timing sequences in the
Prepared Speeches, Speech Evaluations and Table Topics. Demonstrate the
timing device when asked by the Toastmaster of the Evening or Topics Master
to do so.
Time allowed for each Table Topic is 2 minutes and 30 seconds grace for
each speaker.
Timing sequence is: l Minute - Green, 1.5 Minutes Amber, 2.0
Minutes Red and a bell is sounded after another 30 seconds. Record the time
taken by each speaker.

The timing sequence and time allowed for Project Speeches depends on
each Project and may not be uniform. Listen to the TME, and follow his or her
instructions. Record the time taken by each project speaker.

Time allowed for each speech evaluation is 2-3 Minutes plus 30 seconds’
Timing sequence 2 Minutes - Green, 2.5 Minutes Amber, 3.0 Minutes
Red and a bell is sounded after another 30 seconds. Record time taken by
each evaluator.

Suggested timing sequences for appointment holders, for example,
President’s Address, Language Evaluation, General Evaluation etc :
where time allowed is:
5 minutes :– 3rd min. green, 4th min. amber, 5th min. red, plus 30 seconds before the bell rings
10 minutes : – 8th min. green, 9th min., amber, 10th min. red, plus 30 seconds before bell rings

Timer’s Report
Report only those speakers who do not qualify to be voted as Best Speaker. That
is, those who spoke for less than 1 minute or more than 2 minutes 30 seconds.
For example, say “All qualify for voting, except Toastmaster Susan who for spoke
for 2 minutes 40 seconds”, or “All qualify to be voted”. Do not give the time taken
by each speaker – this is not required.

Project Speeches
Report the time taken by each project speaker, and say who did not qualify to be
voted. Speakers who speak over time or below the minimum time specified for
the project do not qualify to be voted. For example, say “Project 1, Toastmaster
John, 6 minutes exactly”, “Project 7 Toastmaster Steven, 7 minutes 45 seconds”,
so “All qualify to be voted except for Toastmaster Steven”.

Speech Evaluations
Report of time taken for all evaluators is optional (some evaluators may wish to
know how they managed the time). To save time, recommend that Timer reports
only those evaluators who do not qualify to be voted Best Evaluator. That is,
those who spoke for less than 1 minute 30 seconds, and those who exceeded 3
minutes 30 seconds. For example, say, “All qualify for voting, except for
Toastmaster Robert who for spoke for 4 minutes,” or “All qualify to be voted”

Timer - Sample Script

Part of the training in Toastmasters is to learn to speak in a timely manner. It will be my job today to time each of the speakers in the prepared Speeches, Table Topics, and Evaluators.

For the Prepared Speakers, I will hold up / turn on / show :
Green flag /card / light when you have 2 minutes to go
Yellow flag /card / light when you have 1 minute to go
Red flag /card / light when your time is up
You will still have 30 seconds to complete your speech at which time you must stop if the bell is rung.

For the Table Topics Speakers, I will hold up / turn on / show:
Green flag /card / light when you have met the minimum time of 45 seconds
Yellow flag /card / light when you have 15 seconds remaining
Red flag /card / light when your time is up
You will still have 15 seconds to complete your talk at which time you must stop if the bell is rung.

For the Speaker Evaluators, I will hold up / turn on / show:
Green flag /card / light when you have met the minimum time of 1 minute 30 seconds
Yellow flag /card / light when you have 30 seconds remaining
Red flag /card / light when your time is up
You will still have 30 seconds to complete your speech at which time you must stop if the bell is rung.

For the General Evaluator, I will hold up / turn on / show :
Green flag /card / light when you have met the minimum time of 2 minutes
Yellow flag /card / light when you have 30 seconds remaining
Red flag /card / light when your time is up
You will still have 30 seconds to complete your speech at which time you must stop if the bell is rung.